The 6 Worst Mistakes to Avoid on Your Website in 2022




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To have a successful, growing business in 2022 there are mistakes that must be avoided when talking about your website. On today’s episode we talk about those mistakes and also why a website is a non-negotiable in 2022.

Is a Website a Necessity in 2022?

If you are wanting to grow your business, then it is non-negotiable that you have a website. Not only does a website show that you are a credible business, but it also is a giant piece of real estate where you can convince people why they should work with you. 

A strong brand and website design gives the optimal opportunity to seal the deal when a consumer engages with you online. Once they land on your website, there should be no questions asked as to whether or not they want to work with you.

Remember that your website is often the first impression someone has of your business. We cannot always assume that someone has been following us on social media and knows our mission, our values, and why we are the better option. Our website is a place to showcase exactly what is it we do and who we are.

6 Worst Mistakes to Avoid on Your Website

  • Not being explicitly clear on what you do and offer - You must get right to the point about what you do and why you do it. People are coming to your website to find out more about your business. You never want to make someone do a lot of digging to figure that out.

  • Not mobile optimizing your website - More than half of all website traffic every year comes from a smart phone. If your website is not designed with mobile in mind, it’s time to get to work - this is crucial, especially with a statistic that’s continually trending in favor of mobile viewers as opposed to desktop viewers. You should be just as proud of how your website looks on a smart phone as you are with the way it looks on a desktop. 

  • Not renewing your domain name - Never let your domain name expire. You never want someone to land on your website and have it be down. You would not only lose sales, but run the risk of someone else purchasing your domain name. Save yourself the headache and turn on auto-renew!

  • Not having a Secure site - The “s” in “https” simply stands for secure. If the “s” is not include, that means the information on your website is written in plain text and is not encrypted, making it easier for hackers to steal information and private data. You never want to give your potential costumers any reason to think that they could be comprising their private information if they visit your website.

  • Outbound links pulling people away from where you want them to be - The primary goal of your website is for people to take action. If you have links on your website, you want to make sure it is taking customers to new tabs rather than a new browser. You never want to pull people entirely away from your website.

  • Not being explicitly clear with your visitors - It is better to be clear than to be cute and clever. With any information on your website, make sure you are direct and to the point. Don’t leave it up to the consumer’s imagine, but rather direct their thoughts. Be sure to make it clear what they would get from you and your business. 

As Donald Miller, who is a marketing expert says, “If you confuse you lose” and we certainly never want to do either. 

Be Ready for Growth in 2022

If you are ready to show up confident in 2022, the BrandWell team is here and ready to help! To find out more information on how we can help, visit BrandWell’s website or check us out on Instagram.

Be sure to listen to today’s full episode on The BrandWell Podcast to learn more about bringing growth to your brand through your website.



Victoria Marcouillier

Victoria is a wife, mother, and the owner of BrandWell Designs. BrandWell exists to help entrepreneurs and small business owners level up their business with a stunning online presence.

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